Welcome to DRP
Diabetes is a major chronic disease that threatens human health, and long-term high blood sugar levels can cause damage to a variety of tissues, including the eyes, kidneys, heart, and blood vessels, etc. Normally, Fasting blood glucose (FBG) is used for high-throughput screening diabetes in large physical examination population. However, some subjects with diabetes may show normal fasting glucose (NFG). It is quite important and necessary to precisely and efficiently detect these undiagnosed diabetic patients in the people with NFG based on physical examination data for timely and early diabetes prevention and treatment.
DRING is a web server, which uses basic personal information and some features from blood routine examination to predict the risk of diabetes for individuals with normal fasting blood glucose, and help to identify the personlized risk factors of diabetes for users guiding the further treatment.
Oct, 2022, DRING web server was tested and released;
Sep, 2022, the accuracy of DRING algorithm was tested;
Sep, 2022, DRING algorithm was built;
Contact us
Dr. Qinghua Cui
38 Xueyuan Rd, Department of Biomedical Informatics,
Peking University Health Science Center,
Beijing 100191, China
Email: cuiqinghua@hsc.pku.edu.cn