Welcome to miR2Gene


Welcome to miR2Gene

The tool for gene pattern discovery by enrichment analysis of their microRNA regulators ia a web-accessible program, which is used to mine potential patterns for one single gene, multiple genes, and KEGG pathway genes based on miRNA set enrichment analysis of the miRNAs regulating given genes. For any given gene, multiple genes, or one pathway, miR2Gene is able to:

  • explore enriched miRNA function class regulating given genes or pathways
  • discover enriched miRNA family regulating given genes or pathways
  • identify enriched miRNA cluster regulating given genes or pathways
  • determine enriched miRNA disease class regulating given genes or pathways
  • and identify enriched miRNA tissue specific class regulating given genes or pathways

Contact Us
Dr Qinghua Cui, 38 Xueyuan Rd, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
Email: cuiqinghua@hsc.pku.edu.cn
Homepage: http://www.cuilab.cn/

Best viewed with Mozilla Firefox 3.0+ or Internet Explorer 7.0+, and note that SVGview plugin must be installed if you use IE to view the pathway figures.

Step1: Enter a gene name

Step2: Select identifier

Step3: Choose a target prediction method

Step4: Submit List

Click here to see the predicted miRNAs that regulate the given gene(s).

Analysis Wizard

Step 1: put your gene name through left panel.

An example:


Step 2: select the right gene symble type(as step 1 example shows).

Step 3: choose a microRNAs target predict method

Step 4: submit the request.

Step1: Enter multiple genes

Step2: Select identifier

Step3: Choose a target prediction method

Step4: Set the threshold value

Step5: Submit List

Click here to see the predicted miRNAs that regulate the given gene(s).

Analysis Wizard

Step 1: put your gene name through left panel.

An example:


Step 2: select the right gene symble type(as step 1 example shows)

Step 3: choose a microRNAs target predict method

Step 4: set the threshold value. If you set 2 as the default threshold value, only the mirs which regulate no less than two genes simultaneously will be processed.

Step 5: submit the request

Select a KEGG pathway   

select predicted method   

Single gene analysis All genes analysis


Select one KEGG human pathway to annotate the regulatory genes it contains with the miRNAs sets enrichment analysis results of the interest miRNAs regulate them.

A sample of KEGG pathway analysis result

miR2Gene Tutorial

Chengxiang Qiu and Qinghua Cui

November, 2010

miR2Gene is a web server to explore hidden patterns for protein-coding genes through enrichment analysis of their microRNA (miRNA) regulators. miR2Gene first integrated miRNAs into groups according to prior rules, such as function, associated disease, tissue specificity, family, and cluster. miR2Gene then predicted the miRNAs that regulate given protein-coding genes using several algorithms. Next, an enrichment analysis of miRNA regulators in various miRNA sets is performed. Finally, the enriched miRNA sets are identified for given protein-coding genes. miR2Gene can be used for a single gene, multiple genes, or KEGG pathways.

[1]. Log on miR2Gene web-server

Users can log on the miR2Gene web-server at http://www.cuilab.cn/mir2gene, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The homepage of miR2Gene

[2]. Pattern discovery for protein-coding genes or KEGG pathways

Here, taking a single gene "ABL2" and KEGG pathway "wnt signaling pathway" as examples.

(1) Analysis of single gene. The analysis procedure is as follows:

Figure 2. The analysis procedure of miR2Gene for single gene

  1. Click the menu "Single Gene" (red "1" in Figure 2).
  2. Enter the gene name or ID (red "2" in Figure 2). Here is "ABL2".
  3. Select the gene identifiers (red "3" in Figure 2). Currently, miR2Gene support seven types of gene identifiers. They are Official Gene Symbol, Entrez Gene ID, Ensembl Gene ID, UCSC Gene ID, REFSEQ MRNA ID, and GeneBank Accession Number. Here is “Official Gene Symbol ".
  4. Choose a miRNA target prediction algorithm to identify the miRNAs that regulate the given gene (target). Currently, three algorithms (TargetScan, MicroCosm, and DIANA-microT-3.0) are provided in miR2Gene. Here is “TargetScan ".
  5. Click button "Run" to submit request to miR2Gene. The result will be shown in a new page.
  6. "Click here" and the miRNAs in orange denote the miRNA that regulate the input genes.

(2) Interpretation of the analysis result for single gene.

Figure 3. The Result (part result) of analysis result for gene ABL2.

The results (miRNA sets) are organized into five categories, miRNA cluster, miRNA family, Function, HMDD (miRNA associated disease), and TissueSpecific (Figure 3). The users can rank the results by values of Count (number of matched miRNAs), Percent (percentage of matched miRNAs in corresponding miRNA set), Fold (The real matched number/expected matched number), P-value, Bonferroni (corrected p value by Bonferroni), FDR (corrected p value by FDR). The significantly enriched miRNA sets are putatively associated with the given protein-coding gene. One important point the users should take care is that because the relationship between genes and their miRNA regulators is negative regulation, the discovered function should be reversed in some times. For example, the most significant miRNA set in Functional category is "miRNA tumor suppressors", which means the gene "ABL2" have very strong tendency of oncogene. Indeed, ABL2 is an oncogene.

(3) Analysis of KEGG pathways. The analysis procedure is as follows:

Figure 4. The analysis procedure of miR2Gene for KEGG pathway

  1. Click the menu "KEGG Pathway" (red "1" in Figure 4).
  2. Select a KEGG pathway. Here we select "Wnt signaling pathway".
  3. Select a miRNA target prediction method. Here we select "TargetScan".
  4. Choose "Single gene analysis" or "All gene analysis". "Single gene analysis" is to analyze genes in a KEGG pathway one by one and then integrated the results (default). "All gene analysis" is to analyze genes in a KEGG pathway together. That is, miR2Gene takes all the miRNAs that at least regulate one of the pathway genes as the interested miRNAs.
  5. Click "Run" to submit the request to miR2Gene. The result will be shown in a new page.

(4) Interpretation of the analysis result for KEGG pathway.

Figure 5. The Result (part result) of analysis result for Wnt signaling pathway.

A new page will be shown for the result of KEGG pathway analysis (Figure 5). The enriched miRNA sets (FDR<=0.05) are listed and organized by the above five categories (red "1" in Figure 5). The number of genes having corresponding enriched miRNA sets in selected pathway is also listed (red "2" in Figure 5). Clicking corresponding miRNA set, the significant genes will be highlighted in the pathway. A function to hide or show all highlighted genes in the pathway is also provided (red "3" in Figure 5). Furthermore, all genes in the pathway are also listed (red "4" in Figure 5). Clicking any of the listed genes will show the significant miRNA sets. After finishing tuning all the parameters, the resulted figure of the pathway will be shown (red "5" in Figure 5), in which, the significant genes are highlighted in yellow color.

[3]. Reference & Contact Information

Qiu et al. miR2Gene: Gene pattern discovery by enrichment analysis of their microRNA regulators. (submitted).

Dr. Qinghua Cui, http://www.cuilab.cn/, cuiqinghua@hsc.pku.edu.cn

Citation: Chengxiang Qiu et al. miR2Gene: Pattern discovery of single gene, multiple genes, and pathways by enrichment analysis of their microRNA regulators.

BMC Systems Biology (in press).