Welcome to TAM

The tool for annotations of human miRNAs (TAM) is a web-accessible program that is in the first version. TAM integrated miRNAs into different sets according to various rules and provides investigators with functions to mine potential biological meaning behind list of interested miRNAs. For any given miRNA list, TAM is able to:

  • identify enriched (overrepresented) or rare (underrepresented) miRNA families.
  • discover enriched or rare miRNA clusters.
  • determine enriched or rare miRNA-associated disease, functions or expressed tissues.
  • search for novel related miRNAs not in the given list.
  • News
    • Oct. 15, 2020: a new version of miRNA sets was available in TAM, which included a total of 1419 miRNA sets.
    • May. 19, 2018. A stable TAM 2.0 version was available at the TAM 2.0 site, which was equipped with significant expanded miRNA sets and new functions.
    • Mar. 3, 2011: we updated the miRNA sets in TAM. we added 102 new miRNA sets including 18 function sets and 84 HMDD sets. We maintain the analysis for the miRNA set version 1 as well.
    • Jun. 14, 2010: add a function for the determination of the miRNA category size.
    • Dec. 17, 2009: the original TAM program is released.
  • Statistics
  • Currently, TAM collects 238 miRNA sets, which include 413 distinct miRNAs.
  • Contact
  • Dr Qinghua Cui, 38 Xueyuan Rd, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing 100191, China
    Email: cuiqinghua@hsc.pku.edu.cn

Step1: Enter miRNA list

Step2: Enter background miRNA

Step3: Choose


Step4:Size of miRNA category.


Step5: Choose

Set Version 1
Set Version 2
Set Version 3

Step6: Submit List

Analysis Wizard

Step 1: put your miRNA list through left panel.

An example:


Step 2: put your background miRNA (format same as step 1).

Note: it is not a necessary choice. By default, TAM uses all miRNAs included in miRNA sets as the background.

Step 3: choose overrepresentation or underrepresentation.

Step 4: Size of miRNA category.

This choice limits miRNA category to a range according to the size of miRNA category. For example, if one user is just interested in miRNA categories whose size is between 5 and 30, the user can enter the numbers in the blanks.

Step 5: choose set version.

2011-03-03, we updated the miRNA sets in TAM. we added 102 new miRNA sets including 18 function sets and 84 HMDD sets. We maintain the analysis for the miRNA set version 1 as well.

Step 6: submit the request.

All sets of miRNAs: mirna_sets v1.

Source code of TAM: tam.zip.

We try to understand life science using computing.

Dr. Qinghua Cui
Department of Biomedical Informatics
Peking University Health Science Center
38 Xueyuan Rd
Beijing, China 100191
Email: cuiqinghua#hsc.pku.edu.cn
Homepage: http://www.cuilab.cn/.

Citation: Ming Lu, Bing Shi, Juan Wang, Qun Cao and Qinghua Cui. TAM: A method for enrichment and depletion analysis of a microRNA category in a list of microRNAs. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:419 (9 Auguest 2010).