Input a drug name:      Click to Analyze

Click here to show the full drug list


Drug-Path is a database that included the drug-induced pathways predicted from drug-induced gene expression data based on the Connectivity Map (CMap).

All data of Drug-Path can be downloaded here.  TXT

Drug-Path Tutorial

Qinghua Cui

Aug-1, 2014

Drug-Path is a database that included the drug-induced pathways predicted from drug-induced gene expression data based on the Connectivity Map (CMap).

Drug-Path presents functions of "search", and "download" for users.

The detailed usage of the database is as followings:

[1] Visiting Drug-Path: Log on Drug-Path at

[2] To find data in the database, select the menu "Analysis". After inputting the drug name, click the “Click to Analysis”. Then the Drug-Path will show the pathways related to the input drug. To find the names of the drugs stored in the database, you can click “Click here to show the full drug list” to obtain the full list of the drugs in the database. For example, if you want to get entries about the drug " aceclofenac ", you can input “aceclofenac” into the blank and then click “Click to Analysis”.

[3] In the "Search" result, each entry has eight items.

(1) Drug name

(2) Pathway ID

(3) Pathway name

(4) Pathway count - the number of genes in the pathway

(5) Hits - the number of drug-induced deregulated genes that are also included in the pathway

(6) Type - U(p) and D(own), respectively, represent that the candidate target genes are regulated by the drug positively or not.

(7) P value - the p value of the enrichment of drug-induced deregulated genes in the pathway

(8) FDR - the corrected p value by FDR

[4] A pathway figure will be shown when the user click the pathway name of an analysis result.

[5] To download data in the database, select the menu "Data Download". Drug-Path provides downloadable file for the whole data in TEXT formats.

If there are any comments or suggestions, please contact Dr. Qinghua Cui at